Stavba Kánoe z brezovej kôry a iné plavidlá...

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Stavba Kánoe z brezovej kôry a iné plavidlá...

Poslaťod atti.hombre » 12 Nov 2011, 19:57

Našiel som doma nejaké staré obrázky z knižky, ktoré ani neviem odkiaľ mám.Tak ma napadlo založiť túto tému,ktorá by sa venovala návodom,postrehom,videám zo stavieb kánoí a iných plavidiel.Ak máte osobné skúsenosti so stavaním...prípadne fotky tak to patrí práve sem...Ja sa priznám som skúšal takúto výrobu ako chlapec,ale vyrobil som kánoe zo skutočnej brezovej kôry len pre svojho plastového indiána a fungovalo dobre :wink: .

Tu je jedno videjko z Kanady ( celkom sa mi páči,ked si odmyslím tie moderné nástroje )

Resize of rez3.jpg
Resize of rez2.jpg
Resize of rez1+.jpg
Naposledy upravil atti.hombre dňa 12 Nov 2011, 20:35, celkovo upravené 1
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Re: Stavba Kánoe z brezovej kôry

Poslaťod Kapo » 12 Nov 2011, 20:15

Velmo dobrá stránka o snežniciach, výrobe a aj o brezových kánojkách:

a aj tu je dačo: ... ovej-kory/
Stredný vek je vtedy, keď už chápeš, že nedokážeš zmeniť tento svet, no ešte ťa to trochu sere.
Som smrdutý trapér. Buskraft je pro holky.
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Re: Stavba Kánoe z brezovej kôry a iné plavidlá...

Poslaťod Budy » 19 Nov 2011, 00:32

Kamarát si raz dávno odo mňa požičal topor na dlabanie korýt, že našiel na brehu Hrona dobrý kmeň na kanoe. Zabudol som na to, až keď mi po asi pol roku oznámil, že to ideme splaviť k nemu domov (asi 15 km) aby sa dalo opracovať do dokonalosti... Čakal som dáke ohreblo, ale keď som došiel s pádlami na miesto, bolo tam asi 8 m normálne kanoe. Vytiahli sme ho v tíšine na vodu, sadli doň a hneď sa potopili. Po niekoľkých rovnakých pokusoch sme to vzdali a rozhodli, že kamoš bude splavovať a ja ho budem istiť pohľadom z brehu. Kanoe malo zo 4-5 cm hrubé steny, celé ho opracovával na brehu len toporom a sekerou, takže bolo mokré a ťažké.

Plavba prebiehala tak, že sa zo 200-500 m plavil v kanoe, kým ho zaliali zozadu vlny. Potom sa plavil zo 200 m mimo kanoe, kým ho dotiahol k niektorému brehu a vyšpliechal z neho vodu. A tak dookola skoro tých 15 km. Tesne pred miestom vylodenia/vyplavenia boli na ľavom brehu Hrona veľké korene stromu, ktoré sa snažil oboplávať, prúd ho však stiahol ku nim. V poslednom momente pustil kanoe a chytil sa koreňov, kanoe vtiahlo pod ne a viac sme ho nevideli.

Po pobyte vo vode chytil zombie farbu kože a pier a keď sa s desne drkotajúcimi zubami vyškriabal von, vyšlo z neho: "kkkkkokksoo, nabbbudúce robbbím z bbrezovej kôry"...
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Re: Stavba Kánoe z brezovej kôry a iné plavidlá...

Poslaťod Kapo » 19 Nov 2011, 02:49

Hehe, to bolo dobréé. :mrgreen: Ale asi to chce aj dobré drevo- nejaké ľahké. A aj spôsob opracovania. Indoši drevené lode vypaľovali. Určite to má niečo do seba. A potom aj nejaká impregnácia by bola dobrá. Lebo ľahké drevo je "riedke" a tým aj dobre nasiakavé, ako špongia.
Stredný vek je vtedy, keď už chápeš, že nedokážeš zmeniť tento svet, no ešte ťa to trochu sere.
Som smrdutý trapér. Buskraft je pro holky.
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Re: Stavba Kánoe z brezovej kôry a iné plavidlá...

Poslaťod atti.hombre » 19 Nov 2011, 08:15

:mrgreen: nikdy ako chalan som nechápal,prečo ked na brehu Dunaja nájdem krásne biele suché drevo a urobím z nej loďku sa mi po pár minútach úplne napije vody a nechce plávať! :mrgreen:
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Kanoe potažené kůží

Poslaťod Pája » 19 Nov 2011, 19:08

Tak já taky přispěju. A to výňatkem z blogu, který je mimochodem super. ;)

I´ve been posting this on the Into the Woods blog a little while ago and thought some people who read this blog may also be interested in it…

It was spring – the maple sap was just beginning to flow and the white blanket of snow had disappeared from the ground. I had done some research about the styles of skin boats used by various Native peoples in the northern hemisphere and consulted a few people who knew a thing or two about that subject. I decided to construct a small canoe that would be ideal for exploring the small creeks and streams of this area, similar to the solo canoes made of fiberglass that my campmates and I use. Consequently, the dimensions are fairly similar, with a length of about 10 feet and the widest part being about two and a half feet wide (I can´t provide exact measurements since we don´t have any measuring devices at camp).

The frame was to consist of seven long saplings forming the sides and bottom of the canoe, with the keel/bottom pole connecting all the other poles at either end of the canoe. Hardwoods twist less when they´re drying than softwoods, and since I was looking for straight, flexible and preferrably light materials my choice of wood was limited to a few species…so let´s continue to

Part I: Assembly

On a fine cold spring morning, I ventured out by canoe to harvest the frame materials: I selected a dozen straight maple saplings for the main frame and about six dozen hazelnut shoots for the rib pieces. The first task was now to peel the bark off all the gathered materials for more rot resistance. Over the next days I slowly assembled the main frame, inserting wooden spreaders and support poles where necessary in order to give the canoe its intended shape. I ended up carving down and flattening most of the frame saplings and all of the rib pieces to achieve more evenly bend, and since the materials were green, no steaming or other treatment was necessary.


The main frame is in place, with some supports tied in to shape the canoe
Lashing the rib pieces to the frame required a fair amount of rawhide, since each of the 60+ ribs was tied to seven frame saplings, with the rawhide being streched as much as possible prior to tying it off to prevent loose lashings. In order to more securely lock the individual ribs in place, I wrapped rawhide along three of the frame saplings, connecting each rib to the neighboring ones. Still, the lashings allow for a little bit of movement and flexibility, which makes the canoe more shock-resistant. Say you´re bumping against a rock: The impact gets dispersed throughout the frame rather than being focused on the point of impact (which might cause a break) as is the case with e.g. nailed frames.


The first rib pieces are lashed in place
The raw frame was now finished, and I applied several coats of oil & a little bit of pitch in order to preserve the wood and make the rawhide lashings more water-resistant. Besides its preserving qualities, the pitch also helps to keep rodents and other animals from chewing on the frame to get at the fat…


The finished frame
Now came the skin cover. Ideally one large hide would suffice to cover the frame – no sewing required, and besides that, every seam is a potential weak spot too. With no such hides being available to me at that point, I pieced several smaller hides together – one small buffalo hide and four deer hides proved to be sufficient.


Skins draped over loosely before sewing them together
In my research about skin boats I came across a waterproof stich that several Inuit tribes used for their kayaks and umiaks. It´s a rather time-consuming affair since the stiches do not go through the entire hide, but instead enter and exit from the same side.


Detail view of waterproof stich consisting of two parallel seams
Once the cover was finished, I folded it over the sides of the canoe and started cutting one side to match the shape of the canoe. The cut side was now ready to be lashed to the frame, and after a few ties were in place (starting in the center of the canoe) I repeated the same process on the other side. I was working my way towards the front and back of the canoe on either side, making sure the skin cover had no wrinkles and was tight (but not too tight as the rawhide shrinks and tightens on its own as it dries).


Skin cover being attached to one side of the frame, with a lashing between each rib
With the skins on but still wet I decided to go for a test ride, and after stiching up a minor hole, there was almost no leaking. Since it was a hot and sunny day it didn´t take long for the skin cover to fully dry – time for the last step, the oiling & pitching of the canoe.


With the hides just put on and still wet, the canoe is ready for the first test…


…and is shown here after being dried and oiled.
Et voila – canoe finished! Or so I thought…which brings me to

Part II: Lessons

The cover was dry alright, but the shrinking action had opened up the seams too which meant the seams weren´t really waterproof anymore. What I realized then was that Inuit people usually pre-soak their boats prior to using them – this way the hide swells up around the seam and allows for no more water to come through. I decided to try another approach – pitching the seams similar to how it is done on birchbark canoes. Adding some powdered charcoal to melted pitch to help it set & harden, I covered the seams on both the inside and outside of the canoe with the mix.


Pitched seam on the inside of the canoe
As for the cover itself, it turned out that my first application of oil and pitch was leaning a little heavy on the pitch side – it kept being sticky even ater drying and therefore quickly adhere to anything it was touching -leaves, grasses, sticks…Scraping off the excess pitch and re-oiling the frame (with less pitch) seemed to remedy that.

Now…ready for the maiden voyage. There was some minor leakage and the sides of the canoe were a little lower than I had originally intended as the frame was warping somewhat during the drying process. Other than that, it seemed to work pretty well and it proved to be stable even on a windy lake. On another test ride, a stick protuding from a submerged tree trunk scraped along the bottom and got hung up at the seam, causing some leakage. Tamarack offered a practical suggestion for this particular issue – adding a keel pole to the bottom of the canoe, to protect the skin cover and seams from scraping on objects. And I can say, after going up and down creeks, through alder thickets and over beaver dams, that the keel pole truly works!


Keel pole on the upturned canoe

Something else I discovered on a longer canoe trip was that the skins do eventually absorb water (through prolonged rain or just being in the water, which, by the way, doesn´t mean that it´s leaking). And when this happens, the canoe gets a lot heavier – so heavy indeed that portaging become a lot more labor-intensive. I haven´t been able to find a way around that yet – maybe that´s just the way with skin boats (unless you use a modern varnish)…

Some lessons come the hard way, such as when I was re-pitching the seams after the aforementioned canoe trip. The next day I discovered that there were a number of holes along the seams. How cou that be, after just pitching it, and no prior holes? Closer examination left no doubt about it – the last application of pitch was so hot that it had melted through the hides! The lesson here seems obvious – make sure that the pitch has cooled down enough so it won´t damage the skin cover. I now test the pitch with my inger to make sure it´s not too hot. After weighing my options, I ended up cutting out the affected parts which gave me the oportunity to practice patching the boat.

Now, after having elaborated on all the “hang-ups”, I´d like to add that the skin boat is indeed a great pleasure to paddle…there´s a sense of connection and satisfaction that is unique to something crafted by one´s hands and the materials nature provides…


Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the process, the canoe or anything related (just leave a comment and I´ll eventually get it, though it may take a while). I´d like to thank all the people who´ve been providing valuable information and suggestions, particularily Tamarack Song. Some books and websites were also particularily helpful, some of which I´m listing here for those who want to do more research about the subject:

- Skin Boats and Bark Canoes by E.T. Adney and H.I. Chappelle

- The Aleutian Kayak by Wolfgang Brinck


Kráčím, tedy jsem.
Fail again, fail better. (S. Beckett)

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Re: Stavba Kánoe z brezovej kôry a iné plavidlá...

Poslaťod Pája » 19 Nov 2011, 19:12

No a ještě filmeček o stavbě kanoe z březové kůry...
Kráčím, tedy jsem.
Fail again, fail better. (S. Beckett)

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Re: Stavba Kánoe z brezovej kôry a iné plavidlá...

Poslaťod Pája » 19 Nov 2011, 20:14

Jsem multiaktivní, tak ještě březová kánoe ala Ray Mears a kanadský domorodec...

A teď hurá stavět!
Kráčím, tedy jsem.
Fail again, fail better. (S. Beckett)

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Dlabaná kánoe

Poslaťod Pája » 13 Mar 2012, 20:35

Trochu to tady oživím. :) Dva filmečky, jeden z Finska 30. let a druhý ze současné Sibiře, obojí o dlabané kánoi. Ruská varianta je vyrobená z osiky, natřená térem. Za povšimnutí stojí použité nástroje - několik druhů teslic, hoblík vlaštovka, kulatý poříz atp. Užívejte! :camp:

Kód: Vybrať všetko

Kód: Vybrať všetko
Kráčím, tedy jsem.
Fail again, fail better. (S. Beckett)

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Re: Stavba Kánoe z brezovej kôry a iné plavidlá...

Poslaťod Zephiros » 22 Mar 2012, 23:25

No jedno kanoe som si s kamarátom chcel vyrobit a jak som tuto myslienku siril okolo seba zistil som ze niesom jediny problem je ze na taketo kanoe ten kto je zrucny tak mu stacia 3 brezy jedna na spodok a dve na boky inak totalny amater bude potrebovat asi 6 :? co je velka skoda stromov ale to kanoe z tych koží sa mi celkom páič akurát oakéto o takéto kanoe aj to brezove sa treba starat a nenechat ho len tak n jednu sezonu neviem ako je to s brezovou korou ako vydrzi a co vydrzi a na taketo brezove kanojky by nezskodil nejaky breovy hajik teda

este link co som ja nasiel
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Re: Stavba Kánoe z brezovej kôry a iné plavidlá...

Poslaťod milos » 23 Mar 2012, 11:55

Tiež som o takomto kánoe uvažoval, ale bohužiaľ na Slovensku vhodnú brezu nenájdete. Čo viem, tak si chalani objednávali nejakú z Ruska cez známych, aj to len menšie množstvo na nádobky. Keď som bol vo Fínsku tak tam by to šlo. Vzhľadom na tento menší problém, som si opravil staré drevené rebrované kánoe.
Keby sa niekomu podarilopostaviť brezové kánoe tak budem veľmi rád a klobúk dole pred každým kto sa do toho pustí z našej brezy.
Návodov na jeho výrobu je na nete plno, napr. (do vyhľadávača dajte canvas canoe)

Tu je foto môjho kanoe pre dopravou a po nej. Trvalo mi to ale tri roky, nakoľko som na to nemal poriadne čas tak som na tom pracoval po výkendoch aj to len sem tam. Takže sa to dá opraviť počas jednej zimy.
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Registrovaný: 10 Máj 2011, 08:55
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Re: Stavba Kánoe z brezovej kôry a iné plavidlá...

Poslaťod milos » 29 Mar 2012, 12:49

rebrá a sedačky sú jaseňové, oplankovanie a bortové late (dlhé pozdĺžne držia tvar lode) spolu s priečkami sú smrekové. Ako poťah som nepoužil pôvodne používané bavlnené nepremokavé plátno ale laminát. Z vnútra je to nalakované lodným lakom a zvonku natreté polyuretanovou farbou.
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Re: Stavba Kánoe z brezovej kôry a iné plavidlá...

Poslaťod Pája » 22 Okt 2012, 20:32

Nová kanadská kanoe Jona Ridgeona:




podrobná obrázková dokumentace na jeho webu:
Kód: Vybrať všetko
Kráčím, tedy jsem.
Fail again, fail better. (S. Beckett)

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Re: Stavba Kánoe z brezovej kôry a iné plavidlá...

Poslaťod atti.hombre » 22 Okt 2012, 20:54

:shock: to je krása!
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Re: Stavba Kánoe z brezovej kôry a iné plavidlá...

Poslaťod milos » 28 Mar 2013, 10:39

Len tak na oživenie nejaké videjko. Ide o dlabané kanoe. V našich podmienkach vzhľadom na dostupnosť materiálu určite jednoduchšie postaviteľné ako brezové. ... sults_main
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