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Poslaťod Zvero » 10 Jún 2010, 17:25

"Nature does nothing uselessly."
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Re: e-books

Poslaťod anjElik » 10 Jún 2010, 18:39

Kvalitne knizky, niektore som uz cital. Myslim, ze kniha Prezit sa uz dokonca knizne ani nevydava, resp. netlaci.
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Re: e-books

Poslaťod Zvero » 10 Jún 2010, 18:43

Mna osobne asi najviac zaujali SAS- Príručka ako prežiť a Ray Mears - Outdoor Survival Book ...prakticke rady
"Nature does nothing uselessly."
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Registrovaný: 07 Sep 2008, 14:36
Bydlisko: Kežmarok
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US Army Survival Manual

Poslaťod franko » 10 Jún 2010, 20:02


his is the newer version of the Army survival book, that concentrates on the straightforward survival material a civilian going camping may need to know. It is writen in vary accessible easy to understand language, and you do not need to be an expert. The material includes information on Navigation and compass use. Health & Hygiene in the outdoors to prevent sickness, including first aid. Hazards in the wild to watch out for.

Foods and where to find them including harvesting and identifying native plants and vegetables. How to fish and tons of unusual different ways to catch them with local materials that actually work; other food from fresh water sources. Trapping mammals, rodents, reptiles, insects, catching birds, and more including how to dress and prepare these. Cooking, preserving food in the wild. Vital information on the many methods of fire making including without matches or lighter.

One of the most important chapters tells you how to find the most important element you need to survive. Water from Plants, digging for water, purifying found water, and building a solar water still. Other chapters include Climate and Weather, Travel, finding or building Shelter, Clothing, Health, Survival at Sea, Poisonous Snakes, signaling for help, what to do if you are lost, and much more ...

An extremely useful book for the camper to keep in their supplies. One very nice treat... the version sold here differs from the real surplus military version in that it offers color photos of the plants (original military version was black and white), and it is very comprehensive. While there are books available on edible and poisonous plants that are more specialized, the material here is very adequate for inclusion in this manual. All in all, one of the best books on the survival subject, well rounded and very detailed. I have a library of books on camping and camping emergencies. While one reviewer thought this book had too much info and wanted a simpler book, I would say that if you had it with you in an emergency you would be glad of its many topics. You may even want to keep a copy in the trunk of your car with your roadside tools, since you never know when you might need some help making a fire or finding water.

Teaches you how to...
Overcome the desire for comfort
Recognize the onset of a dangerous passive outlook
Tolerate pain
Use the word "survival" as a pnemonic device
Plan ahead for survival
Administer the Heimlich Hug
Treat insect and snake bites
Make wooden and stone knives
Make a rabbit stick
Start a fire with a bow and drill
Procure water in nearly any environment
Construct a solar water still
Make polluted water potable
Conduct the Universal Plant Edibility Test
Improvise containers for boiling food
Catch and eat insects
Make fishhooks and fishing line
Build a stakeout for fishing secretly
Make spear points
Capture amphibians and reptile
Catch birds in a net
Make an Ojibwa bird snare
Make a squirrel pole
Make a trip-string deadfall trap
Clean a snake
Skin and butcher small and large game
Build a parachute tepee
Construct a swamp bed
Build a shelter in the desert sand
Make a Dakota fire hole
Cross a swift stream
Make an Australian poncho raft
Find direction using the sun and stars
Signal to aircraft with your body

Kód: Vybrať všetko

Snáď k niečomu bude...

Edit: Upraveny link na novsiu verziu
Naposledy upravil franko dňa 10 Jún 2010, 20:09, celkovo upravené 1
:prayer: طصجاكزدأ يكحءצלظلم؛שر ﻹﻙﻆﻎﻞﺹﺷﺦﺵﻂﺜ
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Re: e-books

Poslaťod Killian » 10 Jún 2010, 20:07

Franko - tu je odkaz na trochu novšiu verziu toho US Army manuálu, FM-21-76-1:
http://www.equipped.com/multiservice_se ... l_1999.pdf
"The great thing about bushcraft is that wherever you go, the skills go with you."
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Re: e-books

Poslaťod franko » 10 Jún 2010, 20:10

thx opravene..
:prayer: طصجاكزدأ يكحءצלظلم؛שر ﻹﻙﻆﻎﻞﺹﺷﺦﺵﻂﺜ
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Re: e-books

Poslaťod sally » 12 Jún 2010, 18:39

Ten link čo tu je na Mearsovu knihu Outdoor survival handbook je len naskenovaná cca štvrtina knihy - vrelo odporúčam kúpiť si / zohnať celú knihu, fakt to stojí za to. :wink: Na slovensku sa nedá zohnať (aspoň som ju nikde nenašiel, ani Patha Rei ani Martinus), no v zahraničí je dostupná (Amazon...). Je tam veľa užitočných rád, návodov a kniha ukazuje, ako by mal každý bushman pristupovať k prírode - s láskou a úctou.
Mami, až vyrastiem, budem bushcrafter. Synček, oboje sa nedá. Obrázok

Môj eshop: www.doprirody.sk.
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Re: e-books

Poslaťod spartan » 26 Júl 2010, 15:51

Na Demonoide sa mi podarilo najst knihu The Survival Handbook 2009. Uploadol som to na uloz.to. Podobnych knih tu uz bolo spomenutych viac. Kazdopadne ma ta kniha velmi potesila, je naozaj pekne ilustrovana. Su tam informacie od planovania, cez kempovanie, zhananie potravy, zakladanie ohna, stavanie pristreskov az po prvu pomoc.

http://www.knife-life.sk - Diskusné fórum o nožoch a všetkom čo s nimi súvisí.
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Re: e-books

Poslaťod spartan » 17 Aug 2010, 12:47

Dufam ze sa prva pacila, tak pridam dalsiu velmi uzitocnu knihu od Lesa Strouda.
Urcite potesi.


http://www.knife-life.sk - Diskusné fórum o nožoch a všetkom čo s nimi súvisí.
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Re: e-books

Poslaťod Pája » 17 Sep 2010, 11:51

Ahoj, Outdoor Survival handbook už ke mně putuje z Irska. :) Abych ale jen tak neplácala, posílám vám link na oskenované části knihy o divokých jedlých a užitečných rostlinách, kterou docela často používám (a zatím jsem se neotrávila). Názvy jsou sice česky, ale obrázky vypovídají za všecko. ;-) Časem přihodím i zbytek knihy, zatím ji nemám převedenou do el. podoby.

Užívejte. :D



Kráčím, tedy jsem.
Fail again, fail better. (S. Beckett)

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Re: e-books

Poslaťod sally » 18 Sep 2010, 23:24

Čisto náhodou: nemáte niekto vo svojej zbierke naskenovanú knihu Mor Kochanski: Bushcraft ? Prípadne kde ju na Slovensku zohnať? Dík :)
Mami, až vyrastiem, budem bushcrafter. Synček, oboje sa nedá. Obrázok

Môj eshop: www.doprirody.sk.
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Bydlisko: Nad kameňolomom, Bratislava
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Re: e-books

Poslaťod spartan » 25 Sep 2010, 14:24

sally píše:Čisto náhodou: nemáte niekto vo svojej zbierke naskenovanú knihu Mor Kochanski: Bushcraft ? Prípadne kde ju na Slovensku zohnať? Dík :)

ak by si mal zaujem, viem ti tu knihu objednat. Neda sa ti poslat SS, tak v pripade zaujmu ma kontaktuj cez SS.
http://www.knife-life.sk - Diskusné fórum o nožoch a všetkom čo s nimi súvisí.
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Re: e-books

Poslaťod sally » 28 Okt 2010, 18:06

Nie je to priamo ebook, len väčší obrázok (resp. obrázky), no nenašiel som pre to vhodnú tému, tak to dávam sem. Jedná sa o predpoveď počasia podľa prírodných znakov. Týmto ďakujem užívateľovi EM na http://www.knife.cz .
pocasie podla slnka.jpg
pocasie podla slnka.jpg (38.93 KiB) Zobrazené 23662 krát
pocasie.jpg (110.99 KiB) Zobrazené 23662 krát
Naposledy upravil sally dňa 28 Okt 2010, 19:18, celkovo upravené 1
Mami, až vyrastiem, budem bushcrafter. Synček, oboje sa nedá. Obrázok

Môj eshop: www.doprirody.sk.
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Príspevky: 1333
Registrovaný: 12 Jún 2010, 17:44
Bydlisko: Nad kameňolomom, Bratislava
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Re: e-books

Poslaťod stelli » 28 Okt 2010, 18:52

no mam pocit ze vela tychto veci po vybuchu prvej atomovej bomby uz neplati

sorry za OT
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Re: e-books

Poslaťod Mamarcel » 20 Feb 2011, 19:12

Nasiel som jednu prirucku s ktorou som sa zatial este nestretol tak som vam ju upol:
SAS Survival Guide (ENG)
Kód: Vybrať všetko
:prayer: :wolf: :bear:
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