Prave pozeram filmy od Dicka Proennekeho a tak ma zaujal jeho pribeh. Z Wikipedie som sa tak dozvedel, ze na zaklade jeho dennikov boli napisane viacere knihy.
Prvou bola "One Man's Wilderness: An Alaskan Odyssey" od Sama Keitha (ISBN-10: 0882405136). Pokryva prve roky jeho zivota pri Twin Lakes po 1973. Podla niektorych zdrojov sa Keith "umelecky realizoval" a Proennekeho texty upravil (Vid Bransonov uvod k nesledovnej knihe). Ci tym utrpela citatelnost neviem, iste autenticita.
National Park Services-Lake Clark National Park and Preserve, neskor poverili Johna Bransona aby Proennekeho denniky spracoval a tak vznikla dalsia kniha, "More Readings From One Man's Wilderness: The Journals of Richard L. Proenneke, 1974-1980" (ISBN-10: 149606870X). Tato sa da volne stiahnut na NPS stranke v pdf formate: ... enneke.pdf. Takze komu nevadi citat elektronicke verzie, ma moznost otestovat, ci su jeho denniky rovnako citatelne, ako jeho dokumenty pozeratelne.
John Branson potom znova spracoval denniky z prvych rokov, ktore uz spracoval Keith, a tak vznikla kniha "The Early Years: The Journals of Richard Proenneke, 1967-1973"(ISBN 9780982576533).
Ak uz boli tieto knihy na portali tematizovane, tak sorry za balast... Podla search funkcie tomu tak nieje...
Edit: Prihliadnuc na popularitu Alone in the Wilderness tipujem, ze som takpovediac objavil Ameriku.
Edit2: Par myslienok Proennekeho, ktore nutia zamysliet...
"I would like to see something tried that I have never seen or heard of. Instead of making this a park, make it a wilderness area. Put a small crew in here to film it in color year around. Edit the film and show it on TV spring, summer, fall and winter...Millions of people could enjoy the beauty of the wilderness and it and its wildlife would be left untouched."
"Take the wilderness to the people, millions of them, instead of bringing them to the wilderness. On TV anyone with any eyesight at all could enjoy the proposed park area."
"Maybe the wilderness would gain some respect if people approved of just looking and not touching"